Category Archive

Adult Ministries

Small Group – UWIF Circle – Deborah Circle

“The Lord’s Prayer” Small Groups

“The Lord’s Prayer” Small Groups

2021 UMW Bazaar: Thank You!

2021 UMW Bazaar: Thank You!

“Almost Christmas” Advent Study Groups

“Almost Christmas” Advent Study Groups

Attic Treasures & Book Sale

Attic Treasures & Book Sale

Clothing and Winter Coats & Accessories Collection

Clothing and Winter Coats & Accessories Collection

An Important Update from Asbury’s Leadership

An Important Update from Asbury’s Leadership

Asbury Health Needs Assessment

“Time of Mourning” Prayer Service

Info from Church Council Update Webinar – August 30, 2020

Info from Church Council Update Webinar – August 30, 2020

Groups – For Men

Groups – For Women