Category Archive

United Methodist Church (UMC)

“Barrels of Love” Packing and Loading Help Needed

“Barrels of Love” Packing and Loading Help Needed

UMCOR “Project Restoration” Seeks Volunteers

UMCOR “Project Restoration” Seeks Volunteers

Asbury Celebrates First Graduates of Liberian Sewing School

Asbury Celebrates First Graduates of Liberian Sewing School

A Message from Bishop Schol on War in the Middle East

A Message from Bishop Schol on War in the Middle East

Help Needed for Disaster Recovery Project

Help Needed for Disaster Recovery Project

Flip Flop Collection for Liberia (Barrels of Love)

Flip Flop Collection for Liberia (Barrels of Love)

Scouting at Asbury – A Message from the Trustees

Scouting at Asbury – A Message from the Trustees