Category Archive


An Update from the Stamp Ministry

Missions January 19, 2023
An Update from the Stamp Ministry

AIM / Southeastern PA Disaster Recovery Meeting

AIM / Southeastern PA Disaster Recovery Meeting

Conference of Churches Food Collection

Conference of Churches Food Collection

Help Fund a Well in Liberia

Help Fund a Well in Liberia

Asbury in Mission (AIM) 2022 Impact Summary

Asbury in Mission (AIM) 2022 Impact Summary

Food Bank Collection (on behalf of CROP Walk) – 2022

Food Bank Collection (on behalf of CROP Walk) – 2022

Collection for Ukraine – Thank You!

Collection for Ukraine – Thank You!

Bike Drive (for Community Bike Works)

Bike Drive (for Community Bike Works)

Ramos Words of Encouragement (2022)

Ramos Words of Encouragement (2022)

Updates from Our Mission Partners

Updates from Our Mission Partners

Final 2021 Christmas Eve Offering Report

Final 2021 Christmas Eve Offering Report

Food Drive for Animals at Gress Mountain Ranch (2022)

Food Drive for Animals at Gress Mountain Ranch (2022)

Stamps Collected for Missions

Missions December 9, 2021
Stamps Collected for Missions

Help Honor Dominic Hena with a Well

Help Honor Dominic Hena with a Well

Construction Begins on Sewing School in Liberia

Construction Begins on Sewing School in Liberia